How does one start a blog? I guess I’ll introduce myself. I’m a teacher. I currently teach high school science at an urban school outside of Cleveland, Ohio. My students call me Schilly… or Schil…or Schil-bill…Ms. S… or any number of other variations of my name that I will answer to. I was once told that if your kids give you a nickname, it’s because you’re “tight.” I guess we are “tight.” 🙂
I was recently asked by my principal if I had any intention of becoming an administrator. My immediate answer was, “HELL to the NO!” I love what I do. I teach science. I love science. I love teaching science. I love my students and I love watching my students do science! Why would I want to do anything BESIDES teach science?!?!
He told me that being an administrator doesn’t necessarily mean being a principal or an AP. He told me that I could be in charge of science curriculum for a school or a district. He told me that I could reach more kids that way…. if I could teach teachers to do what I do. Why would I want to teach teachers when I can TEACH KIDS SCIENCE?
I’m the teacher who sits at the back table during an inservice and builds structures out of the candy in the bowl and makes origami out of the Post-Its. I’ll stare at my paper and doodle while the facilitators are talking at us, but it doesn’t mean I’m not paying attention. They tell US to be more DYNAMIC for our students….but I AM our students!!! I get them. Why don’t YOU be more DYNAMIC for me? I wonder if I could be a dynamic teacher to teachers. Maybe it’s different… maybe it scares me…maybe I’d be good at it, but I can’t imagine not doing exactly what I do. Isn’t that what everyone dreams of in a career?